NGO found in Bratislava, Slovak Republic in 2003.
Group of activists at various fields primarly focused on the environmental protection, green transport, renewable energy sources, sport activities in the nature and cultivation and processing of herbs.
Our mission is to mobilize different sectors in a global effort to educate people about environmental issues and inspire them into action. We continue to influence how the public receives environmental information and promote public opinions for authorities.
To achieve this goal, we collaborate with other environmentalists, local communities, marginal groups, research and development organisations, universities and with authorities, we encourage sustainable and innovative green transport, renewable energy sources, organic farming, we support fairtrade principles and work closely with environmentally responsible corporations.
We put emphasis on sustainable energy usage, environmental monitoring, resource conservation, recycling and lower emissions.
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OZ No Gravity
Oravská 3
821 09 Bratislava
Ing. Gabriel Adamek
IČO: 30848415 DIČ: 2021832989