
Education is central to development and to the improvement of the lives of young people globally, and as such has been identified as a priority areain internationally agreeddevelopment goals, including the Millennium Development Goals and the World Programme of Action for Youth.

Education is important ineradicating poverty and hunger and in promoting sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development. Increased efforts towards education accessibility, quality and affordability are central to global development efforts.

Many education and training systems do not provide young people with the basic skills needed to escape poverty and unemployment, even when they continue to receive formal education. Nonformal education programmes seek to fill this gap by providing learning and skills development opportunities that are relevant to the context in which young people live and seek their livelihoods. Often provided through youth and community based organizations, non-formal education facilitates the learning of life-relevant knowledge and skills, especially for disadvantaged and marginalized groups.

Non-formal education should not be seen as an alternative to formal education, but rather recognized for its complementariness in providing a more fully rounded and skills based approach, equipping youth to meet the competing demands of work and personal life.
(UNESCO education website)

For Further Reading:

· World Programme of Action for Youth

· UNESCO education website

· UNESCO youth website

   Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) produce secondary metabolites, including essential oils. According to the Dutch CBI, the demand for MAPs/EOs is continuously increasing. The forms and domain of utilization of MAPs/EOs is broad and manifold: they are used in foods & beverages, cosmetics & toiletries, aromatherapy, home and health care, and others.
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prepared materials to e-learning module:


Herbs 4 Youth

e-Learning platform (english language)


Herbs 4 Youth

e-Learning platform (espanol, spanish language)


Herbs 4 Youth

e-Learning platform (brazilian portuguese language)



english, PDF format


HERB ATLAS - manual aims

english, PDF format



espanol, PDF format


Brazil, November 2017


Costa Rica, Jamaika