RES & Transport

   Transport policy in rural areas is still too often focused on cars. To reduce land use for streets and offer more sustainable mobility options, the NUTSHELL@CE project will transform transport planning in these areas. Partners from eight countries work towards a public transport system that is based on integrated spatial and transport planning.

   Danube Indeet will facilitate the expansion and implementation of renewable energy in the Danube region. Renewable energy expansion requires extension of the electricity grid, which often cannot be carried out at the same pace. Thus, the fluctuating electricity needs to be stored and utilised outside the electric grid to a certain extent. Danube Indeet tackles these issues by providing an integrated concept considering both the energy and transport systems in the Danube region. A viable way is the intelligent integration of electric vehicles as mobile storage solutions, commonly refered to as „vehicle-to-grid“, and electrolysis for green hydrogen production.


Electric, Electronic and Green Urban Transport Systems

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Electric and Electronic Green Urban Transport Systems

Project info:

Project eGUTS strives to exploit potentials of e-mobility in eight Danube cities, regions and beyond. To do so, the existing network of 22 partners will develop innovative eGUTS Standards for cities supporting e-mobility, based on combined Feasibility Studies will elaborate and realize Local Action Plans for deploying them, develop and test the eGUTS APP smart tool, implement various Pilot Actions in the fields of road preference and parking policies, charging stations, rental spots, and more.

Last but not least, consortium will actively intensify cooperation, exchange of experience and transfer of know-how among relevant actors both on transnational (via Expert Panel) and on regional/national level (via Regional Strategy Platforms meetings) with strong focus on user needs (local citizens and tourists). As result, an improved and coordinated application of Danube eMOB Strategy is expected not only in participating regions but, with wider exploitation of results, in whole Danube area and further in entire Europe.

InterregDanube Transnational Programme
Start date1. January 2017
End date30. June 2019
Overall: 1 819 075,00 €
ERDF Contribution: 1 468 013,75 €
IPA Contribution: 78 200,00 €
PriorityBetter connected and energy responsible Danube region
Specific objectiveSupport environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas

Európsky týždeň mobility

Location: Senec, Slovakia

Mesto Senec sa tento rok prvýkrát zapája do Európskej kampane na podporu udržateľnej mestskej mobility s názvom Európsky týždeň mobility, ktorý sa každoročne koná od roku 2002.

Témou tohto ročníka je „čistá, zdieľaná a inteligentná mobilita“. Propaguje riešenia zdieľanej mobility a zdôrazňuje výhody ekologickejších spôsobov dopravy. Mesto Senec sa do kampane zapojí organizovaním viacerých aktivít 22. Septembra 2017, ktorý je známy súčasne aj ako Deň bez áut.

Vyzývame všetkých, aby sa v rámci svojich možností pridali k zamestnancom Mestského úradu a v tento deň prispeli k čistote ovzdušia nášho mesta a jeho okolia aj tým, že svoje motorové vozidlá nechajú doma a na prepravu do zamestnania a školy zvolia ekologickejší spôsob dopravy ako bicykel, mestskú autobusovú dopravu (MAD) alebo pešiu chôdzu a pod..

Súčasne Vás pozývame na akcie Mesta Senec organizované v spolupráci s OZ No Gravity, RRA Senec – Pezinok a Žilinskou univerzitou (ŽU), ktoré sa budú konať v piatok od 14,00 do 18,00 hodiny na Lichnerovej ulici, v Senci. Návštevníci sa tu dozvedia zaujímavé informácie týkajúce sa elektromobility a budú môcť otestovať rôzne ekologické dopravné prostriedky na elektrický pohon ako elektroskútre, elektrobicykle, elektrokolobežky a pod.. Predstavený bude aj študentský projekt elektromobilu e-vozidlo EDISON, ktoré bolo vyvinuté teamom profesorov, študentov a doktorandov ŽU.

Udalosti sa zúčastní aj spoločnosť Zeroemission, ktorá bude prezentovať nabíjacie stanice vhodné nielen pre spoločnosti ale aj do domácností. V našom meste budú v rámci medzinárodného projektu eGUTS (Electric, Electronic and Green Urban Transport Systems), o ktorom sme už písali v aprílovom čísle Senčana, v roku 2018 nainštalované a testované elektrické nabíjacie stanice, ktoré prispejú k rozvoju elektromobility v dunajskom regióne. Príďte sa zapojiť a dozvedieť viac.

Start date: 16-09-2017
End date: 22-09-2017


Senec, 09-2017

Time passes quickly and first nine months of eGUTS are already behind us. Project partners have gathered for the second eGUTS meeting, this time in Maribor, Slovenia. The meeting took place at University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transport Engineering and Architecture during 2nd to 4th of October 2017.

During the meeting partners addressed current status of ongoing and forthcoming activities in all work packages, including management and communication. As the project is approaching its first year of implementation special attention was given to upcoming deliverables and milestones.

Few members of the Transnational Expert Panel joined for the first time with eGUTS consortium, expressing also their opinions about the project and future actions to be taken. Project partners are confident that all the deliverables will be met in the set timeframe and are looking forward to the upcoming project activities within next six months.

Next project meeting will be organized by NOGRAVITY in Bratislava, Slovakia, during 19-21.02.2018.


Prof. Dr. Eng. Constantin-Dan DUMITRESCU,
Politehnica University of Timisoara – UPT

Communication manager S.R. Dr. Eng. Daniel Amariei
Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environment – CER


Bratislava, 07-2017


Project info

Europe’s current dependencies on imports of natural gas (and the willingness to delivery from its supplier states) have proven to be at valuable risk during recent years. When considering the projections of our growing energy demand during the next decades in relation to Europe’s natural oil and gas resources it becomes clear that these dependencies will have tremendous pricing effects on our economies in the near future.

Decentralized energy production from renewable resources – both, through the usage of biogas as fuel originator and as basic resource for feeding into the available gas grids – hold great and currently underdeveloped potential to reduce these dependencies and further foster Europe’s leadership position within this key areas of innovation. The availability of established regional gas grids in connection with new biogas, biogas cleaning technologies and methodologies are key elements of combining current infrastructure with new application fields to further improve profitability of current biogas plants.

Therefore, the SEBE project aims at a coordinated further development of biogas utilization, technology and transnational competence knowledge center within the CENTRAL EUROPE programme area. Different operating environments (legal, economical and logistical, technical), shortages on qualified and specialized human resources (planning, operation, support and maintenance) as well as several regional factors (e.g. available resources, logistics, or failed biogas plants from past projects) throughout the member states in the CE area form a challenging environment to work in.


Short Form:SEBE
Full name:Sustainable and Innovative European Biogas Environment
Area of Intervention:3.3 Supporting the Use of Renewable Energy Sources and Increasing Energy Efficiency
Duration:March 2010 - August 2013 (42 months)
Total budget:3 002 270,30 €
ERDF contribution:2 382 758,10 €

RES and Transport

Project info

While urban mobility contributes significantly to all kinds of environmental, social and economical pressures which need to be addressed by cities and urban areas, transport is precisely one of the strategic policy areas in which cities can decisively influence the quality of the urban environment, as well as their effect on the wider environment and climate change.

In order to launch new types of sustainable transport in our cities and regions, following feasibility studies were elaborated by our GUTS Consortium:

  • Pilot on biofuels (Province of Ferrara and Local Public Transport Agency Ferrara)
  • Pilot on diesel-autogas system (Municipality of Velenje)
  • Pilot on hydrogen production (No Gravity, in close cooperation with the Lead Partner, Municipality of Sopron)
  • Pilot on technological and financial aspects of hydrogen: (Municipality of Sopron, in close cooperation with No Gravity )
  • Pilot on solar energy (Province of Ferrara and Local Public Transport Agency Ferrara)
  • Pilot on hydrogen versus biofuels (No Gravity and Transport Company Karlovy Vary, with strong involvement of P3 – Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environment)
  • Pilot on governance ( Center of Excellence for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Environment)
  • Master Studies (Master Study on Financial and Technical Feasibility and on Governance)
  • Local Action Plans for all partners´ cities

GUTS cities campaigning for mobility

By focusing on alternative mobility, the 10th edition of the annual European Mobility Week helped to support the transition towards a resource-efficient transport system by promoting clean, fuel efficient modes and human-powered travel.

GUTS Partner Municipalities joined the weekly events held across the EU gathering cities, towns and urban communities, between 16 -22 September 2011. Committed to fighting for the improvement of the energy balance and the environmental performance of their local transport system and thus making urban life healthier, safer and more enjoyable, partners campaigned to raise awarenesson the GUTS project.

GUTS partners have developed actions and tools further to the joint methodology prepared by No Gravity, the project’s Slovakian partner.

RES in transport

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